Tomato risotto
A popular vegetarian dish. It combines the light sweetness of tomatoes with the fresh aroma of chopped basil!
A popular vegetarian dish. It combines the light sweetness of tomatoes with the fresh aroma of chopped basil!
Delicious pasta with fresh spinach and mushrooms in a creamy sauce!
A delicious pasta with a creamy sauce made with fresh spinach leaf puree, ricotta and parmesan.
A super tasty casserole with the popular gnocchi di patate! Definitely try it!
Super tasty pasta with a nice white wine reduction, with fresh asparagus and ham!
Ausergewöhnliche Nudeln in einer leckeren Sahnesoße mit frischem Blattspinat, Lachs und Kirschtomaten!
The popular Peperonata combined with delicious pasta and olives – super tasty and easy!